My March

Steampunk, Time Travel, and beautiful colors of Autumn.

Summer submitted to March and Autumn a little too easily, don’t you think?

Image by Joanne VanR

I imagine Autumn to be a gentle soul who quietly presents us with an array of beautiful earthy tones of golds, reds and tans. It is a peaceful season and, when the leaves begin to fall, a reminder that winter is on its way.

“Autumn paints in colours that Summer has never seen”

Ralph Waldo Emerson

March What’s been happening?

Saturday, the 12th of March, saw the return of the Steampunk Victoriana Fair at the Goulburn Historic Waterworks. The annual event is usually held in October but, as with most events in 2021 and 2020, was postponed. We had a lovely weekend catching up with many lovelies we now call friends with two things in common – Steampunk and the love of costuming up. Bonus – the weather was beautiful. I chose purple for my Saturday outfit and a friend, Andrew, also had purple in mind.

Steampunk Gentlemen. That’s my hubby on the left.


March and I took a writing class.

As you know, I am currently writing a fantasy/sci-fi novel, so I signed up for the Australian Writers’ Centre’s Fantasy, Science Fiction and More course. I wanted to make sure I headed my story in the right direction and this course gave me that information. The course was held live by zoom over five Monday nights and was presented by Pamela Freeman who also writes under Pamela Hart, author of many genres: fantasy, science fiction, Regency Romance, children’s books and more.

What did I get out of the course?

Build a map – every fantasy needs a map, especially if there’s an epic quest (You don’t want the characters running off a cliff when you thought they were headed for the evil guy’s castle in the North). Hopefully, a writing group of like-minded people to brainstorm ideas for my story and for theirs, and a lifeline if I need it. Now I have to go into my story and be very mean to my main character (mwahaha!), so she may triumph and be most excellent.

Speaking of my Manuscript

I did not get as many words written as I would have liked, but I have high hopes for April. Wordcount for March – 90860.

Found on Pinterest.

Jo March’s writing routine. I found this lovely quote when looking for a quote about Autumn. How appropriate that I found it for this month’s post. Let me know if you saw what I did there.


I know I keep saying I’m going to do it, but finally, about a month ago, I started listing the scenes of my first manuscript about a month ago. I finished that task at the end of March and the real work starts in April. Also, in case you don’t already know, The Changeling (working title) is a post-pandemic murder that includes a dash of Sci-fi and the red pens and the post-it stickers are ready for the printed draft. I’m looking for current writers who have written similar stories. I learned in the fantasy course that the term is Comp Title. Books that are similar to yours by way of content. The publisher gauges your book’s marketability using these as a guide. The hunt is on to find the Comp Titles for both my manuscripts.


Read it in March…

Photo thanks to Goodreads

Many of you may have read Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird at school. I didn’t and I loved everything about it. The story is through the eyes of a small child, Jean Louise aka Scout. Harper Lee mastered the voice of Scout wonderfully. The story unfolds from the first question about how Jem broke his arm. Themes of racism, family, prejudice and friendship.

I wonder what my student self would have thought of this book?

Reading it …

Connie Willis, Hugo and Nebula Awards winner, was one of the authors recommended to me during the Fantasy writing course. Dooms Day Book is set in the twenty-first century when time travel is not abnormal. But as with any travel, things can become unstuck. Here’s the blurb – For Kivrin, preparing for an on-site study of one of the deadliest eras in humanity’s history was as simple as receiving inoculations against the diseases of the fourteenth century and inventing an alibi for a woman traveling alone. … But a crisis strangely linking past and future strands Kivrin in a bygone age as her fellows try desperately to rescue her. In a time of superstition and fear, Kivrin – barely of age herself – finds she has become an unlikely angel of hope during one of history’s darkest hours.

Sounds intriguing, yes? Stay tuned for further updates. Thanks to my friends at Blue Dragon Books for finding this gem. They know how to feed my book addiction.

Fun Fact

As with most writers, certain scenes and towns are based on real-life places. JRR Tolkien’s Bag End (The Hobbit) was a real place.

Many of the places Tolkien encountered in his life inspired the landscapes of his books. The battlefields of World War I influenced the bleakness of Mordor, while the mountains of Switzerland seeded Rivendell … Tolkien’s Aunt Jane, lived in the Worcestershire countryside, which Tolkien grew to love — and which also found its way into his books. The village of Saredon provided the foundation for Hobbiton. However, one place actually gave its name: that of Tolkien’s Aunt’s farm, Bag End.

History Hustle – Natasha Sheldon November 10, 2020

So there you go, that was my March.

Did you get my reference for the quote about Jo March’s writing? Speaking of Jo and her “scribbling suit” – do you have a favourite item of clothing you wear to get your writing mojo into gear?

April will be my month to get stuck into editing The Changeling and perhaps add the two little words, “The End”, to manuscript #2 The Messenger. Fingers crossed.

I mentioned earlier my friends at Blue Dragon Books. It’s important to support smaller businesses. Books are available everywhere online whether they be paper versions or ebooks versions. Please try to remember the small businesses and if you’re passing a book shop, go in and buy at least one paper book. (Good luck buying only one – just sayin’.)

What did your March look like? What are you reading next? Do you have a fun fact you’d like to share?

Stay safe every one.

*All links not my own are unsponsored.

*To keep up with what I’m doing, please follow my posts or let’s connect on FacebookInstagram, or Twitter.

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