I wrote my way through November in a mad frenzy, at a high word-count pace, and it was December just like that.

November is the month for NaNoWriMo
I joined up for NaNoWriMo in the hope I could add some more words to those I had already written for the first draft of my second manuscript. My aim was for the ultimate goal of 50,000 words, and even though it was a hard slog, it was easier than I’d expected. I knew there would be a whole weekend where I’d be away, so I tried to write at least 2000 words each day to keep up the word count.
I kept that up for the first two weeks. A word catch-up, when I achieved less than 1500 words in the following two weeks helped me achieve my goal. At the end of Day 28, I needed only 2600 words to finish the competition. Day 29 – 10 pm – I had 824 words left to write. I closed the file – I intended to finish the next day. 824 words, oh, why not? I re-opened the file.
10.49 pm – total word count 50014. Winner! One day to spare.
What I learned from NaNoWriMo –
*I cannot keep that pace up every single day. It helped that, as you know, renovations are happening, so housework isn’t a reality. Cooking is kept easy so there are fewer cooking utensils and washing up. Also, it rained for half of November, so there wasn’t much else to do except, write. Bonus, I realise now that a daily 1000-word count is easily achieved.
*Writing buddies offer encouragement and support. I didn’t have to do this alone. They cheer you on when you achieve any words written, no matter how many and offer consolation if you’ve found it hard to write any. My friend and writing buddy, Tania started our NaNo group in messenger. We don’t live far from each other and met once a week at our local library for a two-hour write-off. At the end of the writing session, we’d chat about our writing and brainstorm.
The other three members of our group included Karen in Adelaide, my sister Toni in Hervey Bay, Qld and Jennifer, also of Sydney. We all achieved something, whether it be an edit goal or a writing goal and we all consider that an achievement.
Books –
Read –
The Riviera House, Natasha Lester. I loved it.
Reading –
Maskerade, Terry Pratchett.
Renovation update
Not long now for a finished kitchen. There are small bursts of work happening, then bursts of waiting for stuff to happen.
For your entertainment this November

Meet Sadie. She was my constant companion as I wrote at my desk. She would have preferred to sit on my lap, but the chair next to me was second best.
Fun Fact – The first person that was fined for speeding, was travelling at 8mph.
“According to Guinness World Records, the first person to be charged with speeding was Walter Arnold of the English village of Paddock Wood, Kent. On Jan. 28, 1896, Arnold was spotted going four times the speed limit in his 19th-century Benz—but since the speed limit at the time was just two miles per hour, that meant he was not going too fast by today’s standards. The constable had to chase him down on his bicycle, issuing a ticket for £4 7s and earning Arnold the speedy distinction.”
What’s next?
The big writing spasm of November brought my manuscript’s word count total to 67579. It already feels as though the first draft may need huge chunks cut from it, perhaps there’s enough for a sequel. Something to think about. Meanwhile, I hope to add to my word count during December.
Did you sign up for NaNoWriMo? How did you go?
Stay safe everyone.
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