One word to describe February – Wet. I am so over it! Don’t get me wrong, I like rain. I love hearing it gently coursing down the drain near my bedroom window. I love watching the birds frolic and shake as they wash the summer heat and dust away. There are even some new frog songs coming from my overgrown garden. I love the smell of wet dirt when the rain finally comes after a long hot day. But, come on, this is way too much. It’s still February and the time of posting this – floods!

Oh, Summer, wherefore went thou?
February was also the month of trips to the skin cancer clinic and so far two BCC’s have been removed. A reasonably sized one on my right cheek and the other on the hairline of my forehead. That one required some hair shaving, so I’m now sporting a lopsided part with half a fringe. Both scars are healing nicely and are not too obvious thanks to skilful stitching by my doctor. There is one more dodgy-looking spot under my eye that needs looking at. That’s for the March appointment.
February was not a big writing month.
Having said that, I wrote a couple of posts. “When Do You Write” was up at the beginning of Feb and also my book review for ‘Gone by Midnight’ – Candice Fox.
Just a note – I had just finished reading that book when an ad appeared for the TV series “Troppo”. I hadn’t seen the name of the series yet when I saw the girl character riding a trail bike in one scene, then interacting with the male character. The moment I saw her, maybe because she was riding a trail bike, I knew it was Amanda and the male character – Ted. Then I saw the title of the series. They’ve picked the actors correctly I think. In case you missed it – the ‘So you want to be a Writer’ podcast’s episode 471 features a chat with Candice about turning her book Crimson Lake into a TV series.
I started editing my first Manuscript and I’ve uploaded each scene into Scrivener. And have started listing them. I am trying hard not to do any line edits yet. That comes last apparently, so am sticking to the guide.
Word count for my current fantasy sci-fi WIP – 89932.
Podcasts –
A few days ago, I started listening to Savannah Gilbo’s Fiction Writing Made Easy. Each episode is short and Savannah’s tips are in point form. Point form suits me because this is how I like to work – tell me what to do and give me a list to follow.
Another podcast, Pamela Cook’s Writes 4 Women featured three emerging writers – Holly Craig, Valerie Miller and Alicia Thompson. Their journey and their insights into the publishing and writing world are inspiring.
What podcasts are you listening to?
Read it in February-
Reading it –
I’m still reading Complete World Building, Angeline Trevena and have started the classic To Kill a Mockingbird, Harper Lee. Also on the list for a re-read is The Last Continent, by Terry Pratchett for our Discworld Social group monthly meet-up quiz.
To be read –
I don’t know which one to choose. Last month I thought I would read The Other Wife, by Michael Robotham but that didn’t happen. Who knows, he may be next. Also in my TBR pile, are a couple of recently purchased books – The Brief and Frightening Reign of Phil, George Saunders and The Fairies in Tradition and Literature, Katherine Briggs begging for attention. Decisions, decisions …
What are you reading? What’s on your TBR pile?
What else did I do in March?
Movies –
It’s important to support the local small cinemas. Friends and I have been doing just that by supporting Glenbrook Cinema. As well as keeping them afloat, ticket prices and most importantly, choc-tops, are cheaper than the larger commercial cinemas. In February, we saw – The King’s Man, The 355 and Death on the Nile. All three movies were enjoyable – Rasputin’s ballet fighting moves in The King’s Man is hilarious. I loved the scenery in Death on the Nile, so 1930s cinematography and Poirot’s moustache, by the way, is a piece of art.
Sadie –

I created Sadie’s very own hashtag on Instagram – #oursadie(with pawprints) so follow along at jo_vr_pics if you wish.
Fun Fact –
The term pulling out all stops relates to organ playing. According to, “To pull out all the stops means to make every possible effort or use all available resources to achieve an end. The “stops” in question were originally the physical stop knobs of a pipe organ. [Travis] Scott pulled out all the stops at the concert’s end.”
You’re welcome.
Finally –
Whatever weather you’re having I hope you’re able to make the best of it. To those of you who have been inundated with rain and all that goes with it, I wish you a speedy recovery.
Thank you for reading my post. Stay safe everyone.
*All links not my own are unsponsored.
*To keep up with what I’m doing, please follow my posts or let’s connect on Facebook, Instagram, or Twitter.