Welcome to the first of my monthly updates. It’s a little late, but hopefully, September’s will be on time.
The end of August saw us in our tenth week of lockdown for Sydney and surrounding areas. Hands up if you’re finding it a challenge. I’m trying not to let it get me down, but not being able to visit friends, go out for dinner or the movies, is just plain annoying now. No one’s fault, it’s just covid.
Here’s what I’ve been doing to keep busy.
Walking –
I live about 3.5kms from Warragamba Dam in NSW and I’m lucky to have a choice of directions in which to walk and get those essential steps up. A usual walk takes me anywhere between half an hour to an hour, equating to 2.75kms to 6kms. Unfortunately, the gates to the Dam’s observation decks are closed due to lockdown, but one of my walks takes me to the gates and around the older picnic areas.
It’s not all about exercise. Walking also gives me time to be out and about. I see who’s doing what to their gardens – many gardens in my area are beautiful. Sometimes, I turn the walk into a creative date and take photos of things somehow missed previously. I’ve discovered old rusty trucks or tractors are now the new garden decoration – the new garden gnome. Who knew?

I listen to podcasts. Mostly I listen to Valarie Khoo and Allison Tait’s – ‘So you Want to be a Writer’; Not just the current weekly episodes. I’m working backwards – catching up on past episodes; and sometimes I listen to The Dialogue Doctor.
Walking also provides thinking time to nut out the current scene I’m working on for my manuscript.
Reading –
I finished Bruny by Heather Rose, loved it (my review), and the first five chapters of a friend’s manuscript.
We’re Renovating!
Not because of Lockdown, but approval to go ahead happened during August. Our house was built in the seventies, and we’ve lived here for twenty years. It took us a few years to decide if we would stay or sell, so sadly, we didn’t do anything major around the house. We’re catching up now. We’re staying. I’m excited.

Writing –
I wrote those wonderful two little words –The End – on the first manuscript I’ve ever written. As you may have already read in my previous post, I’ve filed it away to rest it before I edit it.
Research officially started for my next manuscript. I’m excited to see how it turns out.
Books –
I am currently reading –
The Shattered City (Book 2 of Creature Court Trilogy) by Tansy Rayner Roberts and A Dictionary of British Folk-Tales by Katharine M Briggs as part of the research, mentioned above.
Next to be read –
When You Are Mine by Michael Robotham
One more thing –
Oh, I almost forgot, Hubby and I received our second jabs in August. Yep fully vaccinated.
The restrictions, mandatory face masks and lockdowns will be the norm until we can nip Covid’s sorry backside in the bud. Life has changed as we knew it. For the moment, all we can do is make the best of it and live our lives as best we can.
“… You adapt. You overcome. You improvise.”
Sergeant Gunny Highway played by Clint Eastwood in Heartbreak Ridge.
Need cheering up? Meercat!- you’re welcome.

* All links are unsponsored. All photos and graphics for this post are mine.