I loved it! I read a quarter of Cassie Hamer’s book, The Truth about Faking It in an afternoon and finished it five days later.
Here’s the Blurb –
The Trainor women have always been excellent at hiding their true feelings… until now. Ellen’s estranged husband, David, has managed to interrupt her fabulous life of bridge and zumba by getting himself killed in a Thai boating accident. She’s hardly surprised. It’s simply the final in a long line of mistakes, the first was leaving her to go on a worldwide sailing trip with his mysterious, long-lost brother. Ah, well. At least she’s now free to marry her rich but dull boyfriend, Kenneth.
Regrettably, her daughter, self-possessed TV news broadcaster Natasha and granddaughter, reality TV producer Georgie, seem to take the whole ‘dead’ thing very personally and they decide to dig deeper, though neither really has time. Natasha is on the nose at her network and a toxic secret from her past is about to set off a catastrophic personal crisis. Meanwhile, Georgie is furiously focused on denying her true feelings for a contestant on her show, The Single Gal.
Neither Ellen, Natasha, nor Georgie are agreed on quite how they should feel about David’s death but they’re certain about one thing – it isn’t quite what it seems – and discovering the truth will unravel the tapestry of lies they’ve been spinning to themselves and each other.
One way or another, all three women are faking it and as matters come to a head, the truth wills out in the most unexpected of ways…
Here’s what I thought about The Truth About Faking It
Keeping the truth inside is a huge burden. Revealing the truth to your loved ones, would show how weak you are, wouldn’t it? You are a strong woman among other strong women who happen to be your family, not to mention the others around you in your life – friends, work colleagues. You don’t want to see their pity; to be thought of as weak, vulnerable, perhaps verging on a mental breakdown, do you? Anyway, how can you tell them that you blame them? So your life becomes a lie. Live the lie and you will succeed in your professional life in the case of Natashia and Georgie, and your social life for Ellen, but at the expense of personal relationships.
When David Trainor dies, all those truths threaten to bubble to the surface.
The main characters are well written. Each had a key role in the book and their story kept the pages turning – I loved them all. Ellen, Natashia (Ellen’s daughter) and Georgie (Natashia’s daughter) all have their issues – their own secrets, their own lies. The three women, strong in their own right, find it hard to keep their own truth from flowing over in a hot-lava flow of emotional exposition.
I read this book as if I were watching it on the big screen. The tissues came out in a couple of scenes and I laughed out loud in others. Thank goodness for comic relief, otherwise, I would have been a mess. So many emotions – anger at many people in the story, sadness, relief, and happiness.
Cassie Hamer’s book The Truth About Faking It has only the good words and you’d be crazy not to read it.
I give it 5 stars.
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